Tag Archives: homophobia

Karmas a bitch

I know its a horrible thing to say, but karma will get you. A boy who beat up my friend for being gay has been beaten himself, and although i will light my candles for his survival as no one deserves to die, i hope this makes him realise what he does to other people. Its sick what happened to him, but what he did was sick also. And this is why i firmly believe in karma.

I sent them running away screaming

I went to the cinema with my best friend and his boyfriend. After the film I went to the loo, and when I came out, my two friends had been surrounded by a group of ‘thugs’, ‘chavs’, whatever you want to call them. They were hurling insults at them, homophobic insults, and the group was trying to mug my friends. Now being a small petite girl, no notice was taken of me shouting, until one of the boys put their hand around my throat. BIG MISTAKE. I practise krav magar (the martial art taught to the Israeli army). Sufficed to say, the entire group ran away screaming. Now I’m not saying violence is the answer, but it did feel pretty damn good protecting my friends from homophobic abuse.

Hatred in Budapest

Having spent the past few months in Budapest, I have come to realise that Budapest has many serious problems with homophobia. While I was there I witnessed several marches protesting gay rights and gay marriage, and many gay bars are hidden beneath a facade of a ‘normal’ bar. Homosexuals are hated in Budapest almost as much as Jews, which I found to be most disgusting when I took a tour of the Jewish quarters and many shops have been closed recently as they were owned by Jews. My visit has opened my eyes to the seriousness of the hatred in the world, having lived in a small town bubble where everything in comparison is really quite safe.